Hearing Aid Marketing 101
World Renowned Success Coach Larry Wilson
Helping Leaders Learn to
Coach Themselves and Others To
“Choose Well to Live Well”
As a Leader:
How would it impact your company if increasing numbers of potential customers were seeking out your organization to become their supplier of choice?
What would happen if your best associates not only stayed and were loyal, but were also committed to do “whatever it takes” to help grow your organization by focusing on reducing waste, creating more revenue with higher margins and finding and keeping truly Loyal Customers?
What would happen to your company if your customers not only came back for more of what you offer, but also went out of their way to passionately recommend your company to others?
What would it take to make all of this happen?
This is not the leaders of the old game, these are “Developmental Leaders” who really believe that, “People are our most important asset”, and follow through on that belief. These are leaders who have learned to Play to Win the new game of business and have mastered the new rules of this new game. These are the new leaders who thrive on changing times. These are the new leaders who have turned to Larry Wilson’s new, WILSON COLLABORATIVE, for high impact change tools and change architecture to help them navigate their companies through these turbulent times.
The fact is, organizations and individuals have little control over the discontinuous change that is occurring in our new world. However, they do have control over their responses to these changing events. For the past twenty-five years Larry Wilson has helped leaders around the world start a cultural change process by having them, “Create the organization that if it existed, would put their current organization out of business.”
Larry Wilson is widely considered one of the foremost thinkers, speakers and doers in the business world today. He founded two premier companies: Wilson Learning Corporation (1965), a more than fifty-million-dollar training and research organization, and Pecos River Learning (1985), a change management and leadership development organization. These companies Larry founded have carved new territories in how we think about business, customers, and ourselves. Larry’s newest venture is called Wilson Collaborative, a new business model for new thinking leaders.
Larry is not just a theorist; he is a doer and a learner. By age 29 he became the youngest lifetime member of the life insurance industry's prestigious Million-Dollar Round Table.
His passion, however, was in understanding how people in business learn, and what allows them to create both Success and Fulfillment. With Wilson Learning Corporation, he pioneered work in sales effectiveness, customer loyalty, business relationships, and strategic thinking. He sold this company to Wiley publishing in 1982.
His continual exploration of individual and corporate courage and creativity led directly, in 1985, to his founding Pecos River Learning. He gathered leading thinkers and facilitators in the areas of human motivation, creativity, change management, and culture change. This resulted in his creating totally unique ways of helping individuals and teams face the uncertain future by discovering and releasing their full potential and thus perform at their very best. In 1995 Aon Corporation purchased Pecos River.
In 2000, Larry was motivated by Charlie Eitel, his former client, to work with him for the third time to turn around a company. This time to assist newly appointed CEO Charlie to turn around Simmons Mattress Company from a $500 million organization to a $1, 300, 000 company and do it in less than four years. Ask Charlie how that happened and he says it was through the people. Ask how he did that and he says through The Great Game of Life, which is the formal name of the cultural change process of the Wilson Collaborative.
Today, having flunked retirement twice, Larry’s back in the board rooms of those leaders who are ready, willing and able to “Change Their Game” by Collaborating with Larry and his powerful and experienced associates to manifest their good companies into great companies as a result of becoming great leaders themselves.
As an author, his writings are world-renowned. In 1984, he co-authored the “best seller” The One-Minute Sales Person that sold over one million copies. His other best-selling books include: Changing the Game: The New Way to Sell and Stop Selling, Start Partnering.
His last book, Play to Win! Choosing Growth Over Fear in Work and Life, was selected Best Business Book for 1999 by ForeWord magazine as well as winning the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Award for Best Business Book for 1999. He is a Senior Fellow at the College of Education & Human Development, University of Minnesota. In May of 2005 Northland College granted Larry an honorary PhD in Business. He’s in the Nation Speakers Hall of Fame.
Larry is not only a speaker, he is himself an event, and one you’ll learn from and long remember. So, be prepared, prepared to become awake, aware, more alive and more recommitted to the adventure that is your life. Bring your open mind, bring your true self, and leave your ego at the door. Buckle up and get ready for a journey into a better future for both you as a leader as well as for those you hope will follow your new leadership, not because they have to, but because they want to.
Larry will share with us his over forty years of fulfilling his Life and Leadership Purpose: “Helping others become as much as they can be”.
As was stated, ‘this is not a speech, it’s a growth event’, and one you don’t want to miss.
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