Listen to your customers.
When a prospect walks through the door of your hearing aid outlet, it’s important to take a pro-active approach and begin delivery of services immediately through client engagement.
Here are some tips to create an instant rapport with your store visitors.
1. Greet the visitor. That person came in for a reason, most likely a solution – one you’ll provide, so don’t stand behind the counter or stuck in the back room. Don’t keep prospects waiting.
2. Smile and introduce yourself and your position. Shake hands with all parties and welcome them to your store.
Don’t overwhelm the customer with exuberance but be pro-active.
3. Get and remember names. This is a key to success in any aspect of sales. People like to feel special and your store visitors are special. Then, use the prospects name as it was given. If the customer introduces himself as Bob Smith, I use “Mr. Smith” as a sign of respect and professionalism.
4. Maintain eye contact. If there’s more than one visitor ( a family, for example) make eye contact with all parties to keep them involved in the process and to learn more about the needs of the client.
Just casually turn your head to catch the eye of each member of the party. Be inclusive.
5. Have a comfortable seating area. I use a couch and a comfortable chair. It puts the client at ease immediately.
6. Gather in-take data and complete the forms for the prospect. You’ll do it faster, add notes and save the visitor from having to fill out a bunch of forms.
7. Offer coffee, tea and even a nice pastry. Your objective is to (1) gather as much information as you can and (2) put the prospect at ease with your service and professionalism.
8. Never sell. Educate. This one is a must-have, no-brainer.
9. Listen. The best hearing aids dispensers connect client with the right technology to suit a number of needs – hearing, financial, preferential and so on. Learn what’s important to the client.
10. Offer your services, offer lifetime after care, a guarantee and other trust-building features. These after care services keep you in touch with your buyers on a face-to-face basis, so offering free battery swaps for life is actually a great sales tool.
The objective is to get to know the client quickly so you can then provide services, options and, of course, education in the care and use of a hearing aid.
But first, you have to capture their eyes, their brains and finally their loyalty.
John M. Adams III
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