Hearing aid specialists may not realize it but they’re in a great position to help the planet stay green. Not only is it good public relations, it’s good for the environment – good for all of us today and in the future.
So what can you do? Here are some suggestions.
1. Use mercury-free batteries. Mercury is a heavy metal that is highly toxic to humans. And many hearing aid batteries contain mercury as part of the power-generation process, converting chemical energy into electrical energy. That’s how all batteries work.
Now, a hearing aid battery is small and so, it contains a small amount of mercury. No big deal, right? But imagine millions of these tiny batteries being tossed in the trash and hauled off to the compactor.
Over time, the battery casing will erode, releasing that tiny drop of mercury. Gravity does the rest, drawing the liquid metal downward until it eventually seeps into the aquifer below the landfill, and the source of drinking water for millions of people. It may take decades. Even longer. But eventually, that mercury will work its way into the water supply.
Many battery manufacturers are now making mercury free batteries. Since you, the hearing aid professional, go through dozens of batteries, go mercury free and help save the planet for future generations.
2. Offer free battery swaps or drop off service. Collect dead hearing aid batteries for proper disposal. These power plants can be processed safely, keeping the planet green if we can just collect them all.
You can help.
3. Purchase tools and materials with the least amount of packaging. How many times have you purchased after-care products that are shrink-wrapped, double sealed and come in a box. Talk about overkill!
If given the option of choosing materials with little or no packaging, or materials that come triple sealed for your protection, use less; save more.
4. Recycle. Glass, plastic, paper and cardboard. Your local trash pick-up company should offer recycling services but if not, take your recyclables to the local drop off location yourself. Then pat yourself on the back for doing something good for the planet.
5. Use less energy. Your outlet should be comfortable for customers but you can turn down the thermostats, pull up the shades for solar gain or draw the blinds to keep out excessive heat. The less energy you use, the smaller your hearing center’s carbon footprint.
6. Finally, think about your outlet’s heating and cooling systems. Have they been tuned up this year? An annual tune-up will save you money, keep your customers comfortable and pollute less.
See, there’s lots you can do to GREEN UP your hearing center. Now when should you start?
How about right now.
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