
Hearing Aid Specialists: Insuring Against Risk

Protect What You've Got
As a dispensing audiologist or hearing aid practitioner, you most likely have a standard commercial policy that covers the risks associated with running a health services business. But, have you considered all of your risk exposure? What about a catastrophic loss? Loss of business and income?

There are numerous commercial policies sold by a variety of insurers – some a better value than others. And the person who knows best what insurance lines are best-suited to your particular business? Your insurance agent.


Public Speaking: Short, Sweet and Funny

Introducing Our Speaker This Evening,
John M. Adams III
I’m often asked to speak to groups about hearing loss. Now, I know speakers who go in with slide shows, frequency charts and other visual aids that, frankly, confuse the audience.

I use a different approach. When asked to speak, I keep it short, sweet and, if I can add a little humor, so much the better. After all, hearing health is not the most compelling topic to a 16-year old.

I urge all owners of hearing aid retail outlets to get out in to the community, not to sell hearing aids, but to teach audiences of all ages, the basics of hearing health. Now, I know, the thought of speaking in front of a group of people is a little, well, terrifying, so to help you get started, here’s the basic speech I use for speaking events.