Hearing aid dispensers should take the vanguard role in leading the campaign to improve quality of life through better hearing. And, simultaneously, increase their business’ bottom line.
Through special events and promotions, you attract the attention of people interested in learning more about hearing loss solutions. You also deliver services to the community that (1) help those in need and (2) establish your business as a good citizen of the community.
So, here are some suggestions for creating increased interest in hearing health and wellness.
In-Store Seminars
Put up an urn of coffee, buy some pastries and advertise your free in-store seminar on the latest in hearing technology. Contact the marketing departments of your product line reps and ask for speakers, product literature, video presentations and other useful, informational tools.
Schedule the seminar for early evening so that more people can attend. Offer hearing evaluations, information on hearing loss and, of course, provide information on the latest in hearing technology.
Take frequent breaks and have enough staff on hand to answer all attendees questions.
Promote the seminar through the local newspapers well in advance of the actual presentation date. People need time to plan ahead. If you have the marketing capital in the budget, grab some radio and local cable time, too. These outlets will actually create a professional looking or sounding promo as part of the package.
Location Seminars
I’ve discussed local service organizations previously but they’re always worth a mention. The Elks, Knights of Columbus, Chamber of Commerce and similar organizations are always looking for public speakers for their monthly luncheons.
In this case, create a PowerPoint presentation (very easy to do) that describes the hearing process, the causes of hearing loss and hearing loss solutions available today. DON’T make it one long sales pitch. If you provide good, understandable information, listeners will get the picture without you driving home your upcoming sale.
Health Fairs
If your community already has an annual or bi-annual health fair sign up for some booth space and offer minimal testing (even a written hearing exam). Be sure to have plenty of different product samples and take-aways provided by manufacturers and from other sources like hearingtutor.com where you can download sell sheets, a consumers’ guide and other marketing materials license free, meaning you can print up as many as you’d like. These kind of take-aways keep your business’ name in front of the prospect.
If your community doesn’t have a health fair (or even if it does) organize one. Most communities will provide the space in a school gym, for example. Contact local health care providers and hospitals, most of whom will be eager to participate. Again, if you produce a PowerPoint presentation, it can run in a loop on your laptop, drawing in the curious prospect.
Very effective, especially when used in print advertising.
A FREE hearing evaluation is standard. But, with the economy in trouble and people concerned about keeping their homes and losing their jobs, hearing aids have become a “discretionary” purchase – at least for the time being.
Talk to your manufacturers to see if you can find a way to lower the price on certain models or brands.
Direct Mail
Very expensive but it can be effective.
First, you’ll need to buy the mailing list. This can be sorted by zip code, age, household income and so on. But expect to pay for those names – and you pay the data provider each time you do a mailing.
Track direct mail results carefully and start building a database of warm leads – individuals who responded to the mailer but didn’t make a purchase. A follow-up letter may be the push the recipient needs. But don’t be a pest.
Have a professional design the mailer, make sure it conforms to postal regulations and purchase a bulk mail indicia so you don’t have to lick 5,000 stamps.
Integrate Promotions
Just as you drop a 55K mailing within your service area, up your space and frequency in the local paper and add some local radio spots, which are practically free. This creates a bigger impact.
Using special events requires a pro-active approach to business citizenship so get out there and spread the word that hearing solutions are available for almost everyone.